photos... elsewhere

portfolio s. ingl. [from ital. portfolio, of which it also has the others sign.], used in ital. masc.. - 2. In photography and the graphic arts in general, the selected group of works that is presented to a prospective client by a professional as an exemplification of his or her style and technical abilities.


music has always been a part of my life, and being able to capture concerts and events is what most represents my photographic style


landscapes, nature, hidden places.
what brings me back to the wild and authentic reality is a favorite subject for my shots

street photography

street phography was the first reason I started shooting. catching those details that my eyes saw, a way to express myself more fully.

social media

since 2023 I have been involved in social media branding for folk singer and guitarist, Steven Paris; from a graphic, photographic and image perspective. In the summer of 2024, I accompanied the power trio "The Steven Paris Agreement" on their UK tour as a digital, advertising and photographic content creator.

site specific installation - I will save myself by talking to you

October 2024, Scoppio Vecchio, Acquasparta TR.
How words can heal the wounds of the past.
Artist Matteo Bernabè and I sought to heal the fractures of the abandoned church of St. Michael the Archangel through our poem "I will save myself by speaking to you." We captured the silence and tears of the town in order to bring to life a voice that could give comfort in the pain of absence.

photography and poetry exhibition - We Are Absolute

this exhibition was born out of my need to connect two art forms that are very dear and close to me: poetry and photography.
thanks to the collaboration of various artists and writers from the Monferrato area, the exhibition has been set up for two monthly editions in the spaces of the Monfreestyle educational center, in Casale Monferrato, a place for which I have had a great affection for years.

each photograph was connected to a text/poem that could create something new by influencing each other.
given our joy in creating this exhibition and to its diversity from other projects already proposed, the exhibition will be repeated on a monthly basis so that more and more artists can find space, welcome and exchange with other like-minded people.

the key to this project lies in community, creativity and human and personal enrichment.

for any information, I leave my social contacts here.

The work investigates the theme ofabandonment of the territory and the attempt of recovery through artistic restoration.
The installation consists of five site-specific interventions made in the fractures of the Church of San Pietro di Scoppio Vecchio (TR).
The investigated site, chosen for the intervention, is a place of interest and dominance over the Umbrian valley.
Scoppio Vecchio is an abandoned town of Acquasparta affected in the 1950s by seismic tremors that led to a progressive abandonment of the dwellings; the houses of the village, as well as the hiking shelter and the church have been subject to vandalism.

The wall inside the abandoned church was "restored" with prints of different sizes applied with wallpaper glue. The prints bear a poem written by the artist in collaboration with Nina Duò, a student of Philosophy at the University of Perugia.
The five interventions located in the church allow only a few fragments of the text to be read; the full poem has been posted in a scenic point on the wall of a ruined house, which can be reached by walking through the uncultivated streets of the village.

In the work, the abandoned place communicates with visitors through words posted in the wounds of the wall.

By narrating itself, the space redeems its identity as an inhabited place. The poem becomes word that creeps
into lack and presence, giving both a voice.
The theme of lack originates from the crumbling construction affected by the passage of time and
atmospheric-seismic conditions, the matter remains as if frozen, without owner, having lost its primary function, it remains an immobile messenger of a human trace.

The work is an attempt to establish contact, to give voice to the void, speaking to what remains and to what has been lost. "Poetic restoration" gives language to a town left in silence, at the same time art enters the ruin conceptually supporting an attempt at recovery. A resistance dictated by the material that loses its role of rubble, thus becoming a thinking and enigmatic wallcapable of redeeming itself by engaging in a relationship with the viewer-pilgrim.
- Matteo Bernabé